Ideals are simply that--ideal. Unfortunately life isn't ideal but sometimes things just work out and the pieces just seem to fall into place.
Friday, April 30, 2010
thirsty thursday 77/365
Was a pretty long day lol. Fell asleep the night before at around 3:30am trying to finish a lab report, woke up at 9:30 to go boarding (for what I'm assuming is the last day of the season) with Sicat, met up with Barret and Ryan, met up with Rachelle B. at Best Buy and drove to Korea house for some bomb KBBQ, went to the most depressing lab ever with an epic food coma, met up with Rachelle and Sicat again to kick off thirsty Thursday, went to the biggest best buy gathering I've ever seen and had a few drinks at the bar, bowled, thought it would be a good idea to settle our drunchies with Guppy House in aZn town, realized they closed at 1 instead of 2:30, and drove to Wienerschnitzel for some bomb munchies where I got this picture ha.
I promise I wont take anymore drunken Blackberry photos haha.
Obligatory pictures of said KBBQ
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Gods Gift 75/365
Most amazing thing ever created. Back in elementary school my mom used to make me nutella sandwiches every once in a while for lunch and the supervisors always had to check that we ate our food before we could play but I got crap from them every time that I had a chocolate sandwich for lunch lol.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ancient 72/365
The warm days are really here it seems. The tortoise that lives in my backyard finally came out of its hole and I saw it eating so I decided to take a picture of it. On a side note, life's been especially kind lately. It's been a pretty busy month for me but looking back at April I can't say that it was a bad month at all ha. I sometimes wish I had more time to do things but I guess I'm enjoying the "busy" schedule. Photography has been pretty cool lately, have had some interesting shoots with some clients and I'll see if I come around to uploading those when I get a chance.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
College 70/365
Can you say that you really know who someone is, what they're worth--they're significance?
Oldschool status
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Time 67/365
It was a really beautiful day today I couldn't help but smile just being outside in the sun's warmth.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Chris' D50 66/365
Went on a bike ride with Andrew and Chris today after lunch. Saw a pretty interesting tractor and I took a picture of Chris and his camera.
Things have been pretty strange lately haha. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but I'm pretty excited for a lot of things coming up. It was a nice weekend off since the Long Beach Grand Prix is dead center on where I work. The days seem to be going by faster and faster.
pz Red Velvet cake 65/365
Went to The Cheesecake Factory today and enjoyed some good food :]. Obligatory before picture of above red velvet cake :P
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Alive 62/365
I told you I wasn't lying when I said it was alive...
Was a pretty interesting day lol. Ended up getting a Knotts season pass for like $64 with Chris and riding Supreme Scream for the first time ever. Idk why but I just always hated those free fall rides but figured might as well try it today if anything. I don't feel like the same person anymore really. I think it's a good thing to be honest. I feel like I don't let myself get caught up on trivial things anymore. I mean, I still keep sight of what's best but things are just not so stressful when you just go for it and don't look back. Of course I have lingering rhetorical questions I ask myself from time to time but I just remind myself that its nothing more than just that--rhetorical questions, and it all suddenly doesn't matter afterwards.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Humble Beginings 61/365
D40 flashbacks
cars cars cars
First published photo
First wedding shoot
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hello 60/365
I don't know why but I really had this idea stuck in my head of taking a picture of my sunglasses today.
How are you doing today? People ask this a lot, but how often do they really care what you have to say as a response? I really hate bogus courtesy questions. So I'm just gonna ask it right now and you can rest assured I really do want to know. How are you doing today? I'll listen, I promise :]
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I cant stop eating 59/365
It seems like whenever Chris and I hang out after work I end up waking up in the middle of the night and go on the craziest binge eating sprees...
Pour Me a Steaming Cup of Love 58/365
Who needs Starbucks anyways? Just kidding :P. I really like this mug. I'm almost afraid to really use it because it looks so cool haha.
Life's been pretty sweet lately. I realized that I enjoyed my life even more while working when a coworker of mine (who we refer to GayJay that almost always whines about practically anything) kept bitching about how he hated work and stuff got completely clowned on by just about everyone there including the generally reserved manager lmao. I mean when the only authority figure at work clowns on you too, daaaangg son your life must really suck so I figured, "hey I don't really have to deal with a lot of crap and I'm pretty content with what I've got ha". Maybe we all just need to keep a positive outlook on life and everything will just be alright... and everythings pretty alright I must say :].
Unfortunately strangers don't really ever spontaneously start dancing when you're having a good day but that'd be pretty down
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Less Than Three 57/365
Dear old 156cm Jeremy Jones, you've served me well but the Sierrascope just totally owns you in every single way possible. Jibbing, jumping, pressing, just everything. I'm sorry you were so crap compared to Capita's masterpiece. It's okay though because we had good times. My first back country backflip fail for instance. Thank you for the countless bruised shins, compressed vertebrae, ice burns, concussions, and the other injuries I failed to recall.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Fork in the road
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wine and Pizza 56/365
I had a nice relaxing day today. Chris, Camille, and I made pizzas together and enjoyed some cheap wine. Here's one of the pizzas haha.
I'm pretty shocked at how fast everything's moving right now. Even though Spring has somewhat just arrived, I feel that Summer is just around the corner :]. I really can't wait for Summer and the "warmer" waters it brings. Well, as warm as California waters get at least lol. As much as I don't want the snow to disappear, I'm loving this warm weather.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hansel, so hot right now. 55/365
Went out to put my new lighting equipment to use today. Andrew Yacoub and Ashraf Maniar were the models and we all did surprisingly well for our first fashion shoot together. Always figure the first few shots would be awkward but we all seemed to work well together. I really enjoy doing these kinds of shoots. We met up with Jeremy later on and shot some more.
The ten pictures in my Fashion set on Flickr are my favorites of today. Check em out here
this is me 54/365
I normally hate self portraits. I don't know why, but I felt like taking one today. Like I said before, a lot has happened the last few months and maybe I'm finally accepting and enjoying this for how it is... finding myself--doing things for myself.
This is beyond freaky. I never really buy into horoscopes but what the hell way too weird to be coincidental.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday 52/365
Rushed a real quick Easter family pic (minus my sister who abandoned us and moved to NorCal with Tho ;P! haha jk Sheila) before Church. Have a good Easter everyone!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Unleash your fast 50/365
This song is just too good so I had to post it :]
[4:50 AM Update]
Not gonna lie it was a way fun night haha. Props to Jon Sicat for hooking it up with bottle service and the VIP lounge. Great night man. Hope your birthday celebration was a good one fool.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dive right in 49/365
Westcott 60" reversible umbrella
Manfrotto 9' Light Stand
Manfrotto Lite Tight
Cybersync receiver and transmitter
Going to be fun ha. I really wish i could just go shoot already but I have a lab report to do :\. I really do wish there were a few more hours in a day to do more. Then I would be able to work, shoot, relax, study, and hang out with friends every day! I'll probably shoot after my lab tonight though :]
My first smoke picture :D. Having fun with my new lighting equipment! It's amazing not having my flash tethered to my camera anymore. So many options right now :]
Strobist Info:SB-28 fired on the lower left
April is here so I decided it would be a nice time for a new color scheme :] hope you like it.